On an early summer evening of 1946, some of the doyens of Medicine in India were traveling by a train to Asansol in West Bengal to attend the State conference of the Indian Medical Association (IMA). It was like any other summer evening in this part of the country, replete with clamour of men and women engaged in their livelihood, the whistle of the engine and the muttering of the wheels grinding against the track. Beyond the window one could see the roads that ‘spread out like a tedious argument’, with the evening drawing in the darkness, descending like a ‘patient etherised upon a table’. And then there were political instabilities round the corner.
But nothing seemed to deter these gentlemen inside the compartment, for it was a historical moment and they were discussing formation of the Cardiological Society of Bengal.
About Us
On an early summer evening of 1946.
The Cardiological society of Bengal was thus born on the 11th April, 1946 with Dr. B.C. Roy, the legendary physician (who later on became the Chief Minister of West Bengal) as it’s first President. Two years passed by and on the 11th January, 1948, the eminent physicians of India met in Calcutta and decided to form a national Society of the Cardiologists. The decision was conveyed to all the physicians of India interested in Cardiology. The response was overwhelming. Thus, the Cardiological Society of India (CSI) was born on the 4th April, 1948 at Calcutta and a long march to a glorious future was flagged off!
It is interesting to note that the CSI was established one year earlier than the formation of the American College of Cardiology and the International Society & Federation of Cardiology (ISFC). The first official conference of the CSI was held in 1950 at Calcutta jointly with the All India Medical Conference. It was in 1954 that the CSI decided to have its Annual Meeting along with that of the Association of Physicians of India (API). The second decade of its existence was a record of steady progress of the CSI with both membership and scientific activities growing immensely.
The most important achievement at this stage was the successful organization of the 5th World Congress of Cardiology in 1966 at New Delhi under the leadership of Dr.S. Padmavati with Dr.K.K. Datey of Mumbai as the Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Dr.D.P. Basu of Calcutta as the President of the CSI.The CSI continued having its Annual Meeting with API upto 1976. In the meantime the Silver Jubilee of CSI was held at Calcutta in 1973. During this period of 30 years, the organizational activities of the CSI, the membership strength, research work, and scientific achievements – all had grown to a height that necessitated a separate conference for the Society.
Telangana, the 29th and youngest state of India was formally recognized on June 2, 2014. Telangana is known for it’s hospitable people as well as it’s multicultural, pluralistic society. Hyderabad, the capital city, is the fifth largest metropolis in India and home to some of India’s best educational institutions, public sector and defence companies. It also boasts of a thriving global services sector, film industry and the world famous Hyderabadi Biryani.
The people of Telangana, unfortunately, suffer a high risk of CVD’s. According to a survey; men and women in Telangana have cardiovascular disease risk score of 20.3% and 8.3%, respectively. The study also found that Telangana has the highest smoking prevalence among men with 34.7% taking to smoking, which increases the risk of CVDs.
Here, at the Telangana chapter of the Cardiological Society of India, we have opened our own offices, which have been recently constructed by our members with their own contributions. We provide cardiological consultations, free of cost twice a week. These new premises are at the Telangana Heart House on Road number 10, Jubilee Hills.
This new building was inaugurated by the President of the CSI, Dr. P.P. Mohanan, in the presence of the senior members of CSI’s Telangana chapter. The president of CSI, Telangana Chapter, Dr. K. Narasa Raju said that the new building will help guide upcoming young cardiologists, especially from Telangana, in their profession. He thanked senior members of the Society for their support in establishing the new facility. Secretary, CSI, Dr Rajiv Garg, Treasurer, Dr Sridhar Reddy Peddi, and other officer bearers of the CSI were present.